Legacy & Estate Planning

Serving North Carolina

Empowering Women Through Financial Independence: The Journey of an Estate Planning Attorney

Finding Freedom Through the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

Born amidst the celebratory fireworks of independence, my journey as an estate planning attorney was unknowingly paved by the passage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. This landmark legislation, passed just a month before my birth, dismantled financial barriers for women, allowing them access to credit without a male co-signer. This shift didn’t just change laws; it redirected life paths for countless women, including my own.

The Resilience of Independence

The road from a modest upbringing, fueled by government assistance and thrift, to the helm of my own law firm in Brevard was one of relentless determination. Working late nights at a gas station and juggling multiple jobs through college, I embodied the perseverance of the women who came before me. Their encouragement to persist in my education instilled in me a resolve that became the backbone of my success.

Understanding Systems and Economics

Education was my gateway to understanding the world’s economic heartbeat. As I delved into economics and later, business and tax law, I unraveled the invisible threads of women’s work that sustain capitalism. The insights I gained from being the often sole female voice in rooms full of men equipped me with the financial acumen to establish equal footing in a male-dominated world.

Empowering Women Financially

My practice is more than just estate planning; it’s a commitment to bridging the gender financial literacy gap. Recognizing that women often outlive men and earn less, I focus on empowering them to be smart with money. Through a unique three-step process—Plot, Envision, and Plan—I guide them to financial confidence. It’s about knowing your starting point, visualizing goals, and strategically planning for the future. This approach ensures that women are not only prepared for life after a partner’s passing but are also equipped to make informed decisions about their finances during their lifetime.

A Call to Action for Financial Understanding

Today, I stand as a testament to the progress we’ve made since 1974. Women are now investing, planning, and engaging with finances more than ever. Yet, the journey continues as we strive to close the confidence gap. It’s time to shatter the misconceptions that finances are beyond our grasp. Remember, understanding money is the key to unlocking a life of bold, unfettered ambition. So let us embrace our capability to comprehend and control our finances, for on the other side of this understanding, a bold and vibrant life awaits us all.

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